Friday, July 3, 2020

Ti-me has passed like the sands on the sea shore swept by the dancing waves! Much has been learned, so much to share! Follow me down the rabbit hole Fear not what you will learn n see for the light is at the end of the tunnelđź’™

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

When I started loving myself I understood that I’m always and at any given opportunity in the right place at the right time. And I understood that all that happens is right – from then on I could be calm. Today I know: It’s called TRUST. When I started to love myself I understood how much it can offend somebody When I tried to force my desires on this person, even though I knew the time is not right and the person was not ready for it, and even though this person was me. Today I know: It’s called LETTING GO When I started loving myself I could recognize that emotional pain and grief are just warnings for me to not live against my own truth. Today I know: It’s called AUTHENTICALLY BEING. When I started loving myself I stopped longing for another life and could see that everything around me was a request to grow. Today I know: It’s called MATURITY. When I started loving myself I stopped depriving myself of my free time and stopped sketching further magnificent projects for the future. Today I only do what’s fun and joy for me, what I love and what makes my heart laugh, in my own way and in my tempo. Today I know: it’s called HONESTY. When I started loving myself I escaped from all what wasn’t healthy for me, from dishes, people, things, situations and from everything pulling me down and away from myself. In the beginning I called it the “healthy egoism”, but today I know: it’s called SELF-LOVE. When I started loving myself I stopped wanting to be always right thus I’ve been less wrong. Today I’ve recognized: it’s called HUMBLENESS. When I started loving myself I refused to live further in the past and worry about my future. Now I live only at this moment where EVERYTHING takes place, like this I live every day and I call it CONSCIOUSNESS. When I started loving myself I recognized, that my thinking can make me miserable and sick. When I requested for my heart forces, my mind got an important partner. Today I call this connection HEART WISDOM. We do not need to fear further discussions, conflicts and problems with ourselves and others since even stars sometimes bang on each other and create new worlds. Today I know: THIS IS LIFE! ❤ (A poem by Charlie Chaplin written on his 70th birthday on April 16, 1959)

Thursday, January 10, 2013

On the day when the Lotus bloomed, alas, my mind was straying, and I knew it not. My basket was empty and the flower remained unheeded. Only now and again a sadness fell upon me, and I started up from my dream and felt a sweet trace of a strange celestial fragrance in the South wind. That vague sweetness made my heart ache with longing and it seemed to me that is was the eager breath of the summer seeking for its completion. I knew not then that it was so near, that it was mine, and that this perfect sweetness had blossomed in the depth of my own heart. (s.t) ♥

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

JUST IMAGINE Living in a world of endless information, we are too often distracted from the steady stream of guidance coming to us from within. Even when faced with life-altering or affirming decisions, the voice of our most trustworthy advisor in our struggle for safety and sanity is many times drowned out by the constant demands of a multitude of louder voices. The result is that this powerful ally remains unheard and unheeded, for not only days or even months, but sometimes years at a time. Miraculously, all human beings, regardless of age, gender, nationality, creed, economic status or sexual orientation, have been blessed with a self-generating infallible navigator we call our conscience. Amazingly, this ever-present internal voice is 100% accurate in determining what is right and what is wrong in every situation. It is the one and only of the many voices clamoring for our attention that we can trust to never lead us astray, and always coax us, gently but firmly, in the direction of our better selves… and at the same time, into greater harmony with one another, as every conscience is in agreement with every other. Most of us have had our moments, even in the midst of our busy lives, when we have found ourselves face to face with our conscience and can hear its voice clearly and distinctly. These are moments of epiphany, when doubts and confusion disappear and we understand, with absolute certainty, this simple, yet profound truth: that our willingness to live "The Golden Rule" is the gauge by which we can measure how far we have come in our climb from who we are to who we long to be. So, I’ve been thinking: Now that we have, contrary to the prophecies of many, somehow weathered the threats of 2012 and now in 2013, this could be one of those moments. We can, if we but will, remember our forgotten ally and allow our conscience to lead us into a truly new and enlightened year and era, simply by resolving to do unto others that which we would want done unto us and not do unto anyone that which we would not want done unto us… beginning with just one day. I know it may sound like an impossible dream, but imagining it could be the first step toward making that dream a reality, so let’s try to imagine… One whole day in which no sentient being anywhere on this earth need fear any human being for any reason, because violence and cruelty toward anyone, in any form and to any degree, would cease to exist. :-) One whole day of no killing, no wounding, no raping, no torturing, no warring, no slaughtering, no butchering, no fighting, no bullying, no hunting, no imprisoning, no greed, no lying, no cheating, no stealing… But rather, one whole day of empathy, kindness, sweetness, honesty, compassion, generosity, justice for all, and goodness of every sort. :-) Just imagine… One whole day of real PEACE on earth… … for the first time in human history… Imagine that…… if you can. ♥ (Sun)
"Kindness should include the way you treat people and the way you treat animals and all living things"
STOP THE KILLING OF MUTE SWANS IN MICHIGAN Please help me put an end to these cruel & senseless killings of such beautiful and inoffensive creatures! Sign the following petition at the following link:

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Forgotten Rose

Shrouded in mists of time
she waits alone in the garden,
veiled, her name obscured,
the forsaken Rose.
Lost counterpart of Logos, the Word,

Son of the Father,
reason and righteousness,
the eternal He.
Forgotten Eros,
the passionate one,
the eternal She,
left prostrate on the ground.

"The Bride is as dark---
but lovely---
as the tents of Cedar.
Do not stare at her because she is swarthy,
because the sun has burned her.
She has labored in her brothers' vineyards;
her own she has not kept." (Cant. 1:5-6)

The Bride,
parched from her toil
in the scorching sun,
dark, dried, and withered.
Black Madonna,
mother of the afflicted poor,
God's raisins,
burned in the relentless rays
of Logos, victor, judge, and sword.
Male image of a sovereign God
raised to heaven's throne---

Eagerly she sought him,
but watchmen came upon her,
struck and wounded her,
the guardians of the walls.
Her plight is mirrored now
in Czestochowa's icon,
a gash upon her cheek,
the abused, abandoned one---
the Derelicta.

Noli me tangere:
"Do not touch me,"
For centuries the echo:
Noli me tangere.

The Ascended One,
adored and glorified---
the handsome prince,
Lion of Judah and Lamb of God
seated at the Father's hand
and ruling from his throne---

But now, at last, he seeks her.
He calls for her.
He knows the name of the Rose.
Exhausted and parched
in wretchedness,
she hears him call her name.
She stirs, raises her head, and looks around.
"Who speaks?"

Her heart beats faster.
"Can it be he?
Has he returned at last for me?"

The garden where he left her
is now a wasteland---
scarred, dried, and shriveled.
Trees are stunted,
streams of living water
only a trickle.
Thickets of thorn
surround the garden,
barring his way.
With the sword of truth
he must hack them to pieces
to reach his beloved.

At last he finds her,
still clasping her alabaster jar.
Her joyful tears fall at his feet.
A second time she dries them with her hair.
But now he reaches for her hand.
"Come, beloved; it is time.
Let us go together into the vineyard
to see if the vines are in bloom." (Cant. 7:13)

Hand in hand now,
they walk in the desert garden.
And where their feet tread
a violet springs up from the ground,
an anemone lifts its head.
In their wake
buds swell on barren bough.
"No longer will you be called 'forsaken'
and your lands 'desolate,'
but you shall be called 'beloved,'
and your lands 'espoused'" (Isa. 62:4)

He whispers her name,
savoring its taste
delighting in the Bride of his longing.
Meri (m.s)

Thursday, September 11, 2008